As an investor in this fund, you’ll become a fractional owner of the bitcoin mines operated by EnergyFunders. These mines will regularly discover new bitcoin, which are then distributed periodically to all investors in the Bitcoin Discovery Fund. Investors will accumulate highly sought-after bitcoin at potentially below-market rates.
The Fund utilizes mobile bitcoin mining units located at natural gas wellsites. This natural gas is converted into electricity for powering the bitcoin mine, providing a cost advantage and higher profit margins for investors. Plus, investors will receive periodic payouts (in BTC or USD), potential protection from inflation, and possible tax deductions.
Based on our estimates of input costs and mining output, we believe we can achieve IRRs ranging from 20-80%, with further upside from higher Bitcoin prices.
Bitcoin’s fixed supply provides a store of value. With inflation recently soaring to 40-year highs, Bitcoin offers a potential hedge against devalued currency. The investment community increasingly views Bitcoin as a version of digital gold.
We aim to issue periodic payouts, while also compounding a portion of retained capital. Choose whether to sell your Bitcoin distributions for cash, or simply accumulate your Bitcoins at below-market rates.
Because EnergyFunders has ownership in oil and gas wells, we have a unique opportunity to power Bitcoin mines directly at the well site. This access to discounted natural gas that runs the Bitcoin mine provides higher profit margins, as well as great operational control.